5 things that probably wont be in today’s Nintendo Direct

Kid Icarus TrilogyKid Icarus Trilogy (Switch) – What if Sakurai is secretly updating the old Kid Icarus games and re-releasing them for The Nintendo Switch. Updating them? Wait… this game series has more than two games

Imagine if the NES and Gameboy games were re-made using a modified version of the Super Smash Bros. 4 engine/graphics! Oh, and Uprising would be playable with enhanced graphics.

Final Fantasies trilogy32-bit Final Fantasy collection (Switch) This is to get everyone who ditched Nintendo for Sony way back in the day because of Final Fantasy VII.

I really like collections, and I think this being a thing is a no-brainer. They recently re-released these games for Steam, and  Square Enix seems to want to throw Nintendo some bones lately… rightly?

nes remix zelda marioNES REMIX ADVENTURE (Switch) – Imagine a game where you can play as many different classic Nintendo characters in as many modified game levels as possible, but OH MY GOD LOOK AT THOSE BOOOOOOOoooooos! Or, hey! Peach in a Zelda style castle floating… and … I just described Adventure mode in Super Smash Bros. Melee. Huh. Those levels were a little better than Supspace Emissary in Brawl, huh?

virtual console
We all know that this is not coming.

femalelinkHWA game starring Linkle that is not Hyrule Warriors. Or Midna. Or Zelda. Or anyone that is not Tingle or Link. Come on… Nintendo has made so many amazing characters that are not Luigi, it makes me genuinely upset that Luigi is the only second banana to get his own series of games… that you know… doesn’t eat bananas. Captain Toad and Wario are not second bananas btw.

So that’s my 5 pics for not being in this Nintendo Direct… prove me wrong Nintendo!

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