I commissioned myself a woman

senshi_by_cluedog-dbr2219Commissions are weird. They can take months and months to do, and sometimes when you do receive one from an artist, you can have some very mixed feelings on it. Yesterday morning, I received this piece from an artist.

This picture is supposed to be of myself as a girl. The only instructions I gave were:

‘I like to wear a hoodie, and the pictures I typically have of myself rule 63’ed usually have it, but it’s not necessary. Also, I like to have my glasses in them.’

I also gave the artist 3 pictures of myself to work with as well:

They went with the middle pic, and I guess since I’m just not used to seeing myself sans glasses with that hair style, it made me think that the picture was a bit off. For comparison, here are a couple of pics that other people have done of a rule 63 version of myself in the past, for comparison of other people’s original take:

jhkjhkjhJulie's art

ClueDog’s art of me is an interesting take, and I suppose one reason she chose no hoodie is because she likes to draw attractive women, and the hoodie would look frumpy? Also, she does draw things a bit more etchy… maybe too etchy at times, as the up skirt did give a few surprises. O_o Not bad for $10.

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