
I haven’t been posting much this year, so sadly one of my favorite traditions has been neglected… Mer-Monday as well as Mer-May. This sucks, because I love getting all of the the weird reactions when I talk about how mermaids are the cause for all nautical deaths, how they are the most dangerous creature in the ocean, etc..

During Mer-May, I typically take it a step further by attempting to draw stuff every day until life gets the better of me. Sadly, life has… already got the better of me! Work has been sucking a lot.

Apparently a couple of months back, there was a news expose where an aquarium supposedly ‘accidently’ recorded some of their mermaid performers changing. That’s terrible.

I’m a little upset that I am only just now learning about the mermaid Deadpool funko pop.

And here is another image dump. Anyways, Happy Mer-May! If I end up drawing anything, I will be sure to post it here. Later!

My problem with the “photo of me at 20” meme

2005 spring fling edit

I’m a huge weirdo… I’ve made that no secret or mystery. When I was 20 years old, I was well into my first year going to anime conventions, I was attending college, and I eventually even started cosplaying. It was an amazingly awesome time for me, but it was 2005.

This photo on the left from the Spring fling, as we promoted the Anime Club, has me holding the Ranma 1/2 OVA collection… like a gosh darn otaku.

Everyone was still taking photos with Kodak disposable cameras, as the iPhone was still 2 years away.

I was working at GameStop at the time, and I do have one photo of all of us at Christmas, but once again… photos during this time were shitty.

Gamestop Crew 2005 holiday.jpg

poison mushroom beta 1Most of the photos in my life, via disposable cameras, were taken BY myself. The ones taken for cosplay, were horrible because my face was either A) painted or B) wearing a mask. It sucks!

100_0371I did mention how weird I am, right? I’m assuming that this photo might have been taken via a webcam during this time period, but I shaved my head because well… it was joked about so much at work, I guess? So I actually did it.

Bottom line is that age 19 and age 21 and 22 there are a bunch of photos!

This picture below was taken almost exactly one month from the day that I turned 20. It was done at Ushi-Con. Even it is a bit too weird.


The image below was the start of my problems. I believe it was in 2005 right as I was finishing up my Poison Mushroom hat while I was at school? The one to the right of that one would be close to normal, except I was right next to two otaku women (fujoshi?) who thought the picture needed to have Inuyasha and Sesshōmaru plushies in it as well. FML!


Okay, one more. From A-kon 2005… a screen grab from a video taken by Marzgurl from an event that I and some friends were holding.

A-kon 16 Pose off Sean

20 was a really weird age for me man. HAPPY THROWBACK THURSDAY?!




Sorry for the lack of updates.


I’ve been really stressed out lately what with KickVic, my car getting hit, a forced promotion making work stressful, and the holidays in general. Also, being an American, I have no idea what the hell they are doing in DC. I’m upset too much when I see a Make America Great Again / Keep America Great hats, yet too afraid to wear a Andrew Yang’s MATH hat. Oh, the times we live in.

Seriously though, if you haven’t googled Andrew Yang yet, check him out. He’s running for President, and has some interesting ideas.

To make it up to everyone, how about I show people random photos from the history of the blog?

It’s been a crazy decade.

anime austin conventionI recently went to Anime Austin 2019, and well… I’m done. The first convention I ever went to was Oni-Con in 2004. for years, I was haunted by the fact that I lost the convention badge from my first convention. Now, I find that laughable, considering the last few I haven’t even cared to preserve.

While I will have a further retrospective on the last… fifteen? I seriously spent more time going to conventions than I did from Elementary to High School?! *sigh*

Anyways, so here are a bunch of random photos that I took, or had taken for me with my camera… and yeah… A lot of fun stuff there.

I hope everyone is having a happy great Throwback Thursday!

The Blog is 9 years old!

AmazingSpiderGirlThis blog is 9 years old, and has covered/embraced/celebrated many different things from My Little Pony, Cosplay, Comics, Video Games, and more. I do not know the future of this blog or domain name even… I do know that it has been an enjoyable time, and I have had the glorious opportunity through it to interview some cool people and meeting new friends.

Below are 9 pictures from my blog, each from a different year, and 8 of which were created by me.

The Death of the mastermind of 9-11, Cosplay Prom, Art for a friend and her husband, Me with some Poke babes at Coast con, Jupiter and Mercury together to tease one of my friends, Rogue from MagFest, MLP cosplay from the last Nightmare Nights, Skies of Arcadia cosplay from last years MagFest, and the unearthed magazing cover featuring one of my favorites Futaba-Kun change! Mmm…. some interesting and even good times.

20181013_184946Like I said, I do not know the future of this blog. I really want to migrate the content of this blog off of wordpress. I do not like using it’s image menu, as the further back I search for images, the less stable it gets. Also, I’ve reached past 80% of my allotted image space.

Here’s hoping that I can figure out a way to make prosper!

#Kickvic≤Anime Gate

ushicon4SeanPeople have been clamoring that there is an Anime Gate going on, and that taking down the popular voice actor, Vic… Mig…nawn… Vic. Taking down Vic was a huge part of this. My argument is Anime Gate is much older than #KickVic, and is much broader. Let’s start at the beginning.

Signs at conventions asking for hugs/kisses, people taking pictures with cosplayers with their hand on their boob/butt, hyped up youngsters running at people full speed for a glomp, etc… Anime Convention goers have always been debaucherous, and there has always been this awkward excited energy to anime conventions… and a lot of us finally grew up and it became more okay to say ‘This! This! I don’t like THIS!’

momokun 021519

2014’s Cosplay is Not Consent is where Anime Gate really started from. Then we have the whole Momokun situation where a cosplay guest was being all handsy and gropish with other attendees. People complained and conventions restricted her appearances but lately it’s as if people forgot about her.

In between, we’ve had the whole Anime Matsuri situation, where John Leigh of Anime Matsuri had lolita guests claiming that he had harassed them both online and in-person.

Vic Mignogna has had allegations whispered at conventions since I’ve been going to them in 2004 that I have personally heard of. Women claiming that Vic is creepy, that conventions were going to stop having him as a guest, etc.

Vic_MignognaThere is a spreadsheet going around of accused abusers from anime conventions. Right around this time, #KickVic started. Something like #KickVic was almost destined to come up in this post #Metoo world. The allegations against Vic Mignogna aren’t that bad even, for the most part. Too huggy and kissy on women/girls of questionable ages for way too long of a time. That sums up this whole Vic thing, in a nut shell.

‘This! This! I don’t like THIS!’

While convention behavior between guest and attendee, cosplayer and attendee, and even guest and convention volunteers once you factor in Vic’s alleged behavior towards staff when he doesn’t get his way, is only half of what could be considered an Anime Gate.

teen-titans-goYou then have Westerners trying to re-make anime in their own image, what with Crunchy Roll allegedly misappropriating funds to make High Guardian Spice, Steven Universes nods to video games and anime, Crunchy Roll ignoring the popular Goblin Slayer for it’s yearly awards because it’s content is problematic, Netflix’s She-Ra, and the countless ‘Ameria-manga’ cartoon and comic art styles that have come before all of this.

chibimoonThe real Anime Gate might just be the fact that a lot of the 2nd generation of Anime fans who were 90’s kids finally grew up and took off the rose tented glasses, and said enough was enough on social media… where they were finally heard.

But hey… that’s just a theory… an Anime Gate theory!

What the Flick?

After the new year, I went to my Flickr just to poke my nose around, and I was greeted with this message…


So, expiring the same day it goes into effect, I could save 15% on going pro… so what are my options?

flickr plans


I am not paying $50.04 a year to store my photos somewhere. At one time, when it was offered, I did sometimes go pro… but that was when I was trying to be either a convention photographer or a convention journalist.. and yeah… that sucks… so where will I go?

WordPress? No… I’m at almost 80% there. Deviantart takes too long to upload even one picture. *sigh* This sucks, and I’m not sure where the future of my hobby will bring me to…

Below are some photos I’ve taken or had taken for me (such as mermaid-ed ones) that will soon need a new home, I guess. Enjoy?